Quantar Solutions has over 20 years ago of experience in the financial quantification of cyber threats. Our experience, knowledge and competencies are proven. We serve our clients and seek to collaborate to form long-term, confidential, mutually beneficial relationships.
Our History
2000 - 2004
Quantar Solutions begins life as an I.T. and technology strategy consultancy developing an innovative network appliance for managing cyber threats posed to corporate clients. The name of the company was Ip Tap, based upon the technology that was invented and patented in 2002. The company was based in the island of Jersey for confidentiality purposes.
2004 - 2008
Quantar develops its unique and innovative data risk management software in conjunction with leading edge suppliers from the worlds of military technology, insurance, academia and financial risk management. The company is restructured with the majority of originators leaving to pursue alternative career opportunities.
2009 - 2012
Quantar Solutions and moves to its Cambridge U.K. location and launches its software products and associated services, commencing in London in 2009, followed by the US and the Middle East in 2010. The underlying technology and methods continue to derive further patents, filed from 2010 onwards, protecting the unique software and models.
2013 - Present
Quantar relocates to the U.S. to seek out further client opportunities and to benefit from input from a major U.S. university into its ongoing product development. The company is approached by a U.S. military security entity to acquire its IP following the issue of further patents protecting the CyCalc software. Quantar returns to Europe in 2018, with London being the global centre for cyber and data risk modelling excellence.
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Our People
Quantar Solutions’ leadership team has a long history of success in technology, data risk management, and compliance.

Dr. John Welch was commissioned to co-develop Network Operational Risk Manager
Dr. John Welch

Dr. Andrew Gray was commissioned to co-develop the Predictive Analytics Engine
Dr. Andrew Grey

Dr. Iain Phillips was commissioned for the Internet Protocol Threat Assessment Program
Dr. Iain Phillips

Olivier Naveau, cyber security expert; an original team member developer
Olivier Naveau

Andrew Cox was commissioned to review and contribute to the actuarial risk valuation models
Andrew Cox

Dr. Phillip King-Wilson
Phillip is the founder and Managing Director of Quantar and is a Certified GDPR Practitioner and also a Certified ISO/IEC27001 Lead Auditor.
He has over 20 years of experience in the cyber risk management sector, with a passion for the development of the Quantar products and services since 1998 and achieved the first US/PCT patent grant in 2005.
He has subsequently led R&D and product/service development of solutions for companies to value their cyber threats. The first product was created in 2003, with further products, backed up by additional patent protection, in 2005-2006 and which now form the main products of the company.
With the vision of offering unique methodologies and proprietary technologies in the provision of cyber threat valuation, Phillip has continued patent creation to the point that today no other company in a number of countries, including the U.S. and U.K., can offer such targeted and easy to use products for providing cyber threat financial valuations.
As the head of the company, he is responsible for the definition and the execution of the company strategy, messaging, and go-to-market plans. R&D and new product/service creation for cyber threat valuation is a focus for Phillip, who sees the opportunity to bring the disparate disciplines of GDPR Compliance, ISO/IEC 27001 and Cyber Valuations together to help organizations to better identify and manage data and cyber risks.
Phillip has extensive international management experience working across multiple sectors at all organizational levels. He has also a published author and has co-authored with world renowned academics from INSEAD Business School in France on the subject of strategic I.T. and internet threats.
In 2013, Phillip was invited to the University of South Florida as a visiting academic, to undertake cyber threat research in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department. He moved to Florida and researched the use of epidemiological models for cyber threat risk management and in cloud security until mid-2015. The output formed part of his latest academic paper, titled “Cyber risk analysis and valuation: a new combinatorial models and systems approach”, which was published in the International Journal for Business Continuity and Risk Management (September 2017, Vol 7, No. 2).
Phillip has a law degree from the U.K., an MBA from Brussels and a doctorate in cyber risk management from France and the UK.

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