Why does the E.U.’s latest update to its’ existing sustainability regulations impact in cyber security and risk manageme...
Allianz’s Risk Barometer 2024 raises a crucial point: is cyber still an insurable risk? According to Allianz, increas...
Cyber security covers many areas, with most aspects being tech/ legal/contractual / protection based. However, where ...
Is cyber risk transfer through financial instruments still a valid mitigation/strategic option? The Merck settlement...
To explain the implications, we need to understand that there is a current patent goldrush to file applications relating...
At the end of May 2022, E&Y announced the strategic move of splitting their audit and non-audit consultancy services...
The war being raged in the Ukraine by Russia has thrown into sharp focus a number of weaknesses that, although well-know...
In the wake of the Colonial pipeline hack, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a security directi...
May 2021 delivered a major cyber attack on a major national infrastructure entity with a large percentage of a county...
The grounding of the giant container vessel, the Ever Given in the Suez Canal had an immediate supply chain impact, coup...